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Final Round Judges

HE Xuntian

  • Distinguished composer
  • Creator of a new musical language
  • Professor at Shanghai Conservatory of Music

In 1981, he established Three Periods Theory and Theory of Musical Dimension. in 1982, he developed RD Composition, the first composl.tional method of contemporary in China. in 1986, he created Sounds of Nature, which was a landmark 1993, he established theFive Nons (Non-Vestern, non-Eastern, non-academic, non-fok, and non-non, and $S 1995, $ister Drum was launchedmaking him the first Chinese composer to have his record released worldwide. This album, together wih a number of others incudingVoices from the Sky, was released in more than 80 countries with a total sales volume of several million copies. in 1997, he establishedTheory of interspace and Ehe Style. in 2003, he composed images in Sound, which was humanity's first gift of primordial music to allspecies of the natural world. in 2008, he produced Ehe Chant, the first work of Preconsciousness Music in human history. 2012-2022he created 9 long piano works with ss Composifion,including Whirling Papaver, Cherry Prayer, Kalavinka Sutra and Seventeen Trancesof the Pomegranate Tree, etc.
His works have been published globally by a number of international publishing companies, including Warner Music Group and SchotiMusic, and premiered and performed worldwide by many leading orchestras and ensembles, induding BBC philharmonic and The lsraelSymphony Orchestrg, Thousands of naiongl and internationgl news medig and academic iournals, includina the New York Times. theTimes Magazine, the Washington Post, The Times, People's Daly etc, have reviewed his works, compositlon technigues and ideas. Histheories and works are belleved to be "epoch-making" and according to the New York Times, he "fulfilled the Chinese people's dreamto introduce their music to the world."”
(Xuntian He's Catalogue of Works can be found on