LU Pei
- Composer
- Professor of ShanghaiConservatory of Music
“LU Pei's music is extremely smart, colorful, delectable and kinetic ", the Washington Postclaimed.
LU Pei , D.M.., composer, professor of composition at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, is the recipient of many international anddomestic music competition awards.
In 1991, lU Pei went to the United States to study for further studies. He received his ph.D. from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbol(2002); a master's degree in music from the University of louisvie (1995); Dr. Lui Pei taught at the University of Louisvile (2003-06).
LU Pei's music has a distinct personal characteristics. The compositional works he has composed are included of nine symphonies, oneopera in four acts and a number of other works for orchestra, chamber groups and vocal pieces. His commisions from Chicago Sympho.ny, San Francisco Sympathy, Minnesota Orchestra, LA Symphony, You-you Ma's Silk Road Project, Chicago institute of Arts, and also fromcountries and areas like Ching, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong as wel., His orchestral works with superb composer and device skillscolorful, passionate and has a strong internal tension, grand, full of masculinity and sense of power.